Spanish - Firm Foundations Creation to Christ (Print)

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Firm Foundations: Creation to Christ (Spanish)


El estudio de la Biblia, Fundamentos firmes: desde la creación hasta Cristo, revela la historia de Dios. Moviéndose a través de pasajes clave de la Biblia, estas lecciones revelan progresivamente la verdad acerca de Dios y el hombre, y el evangelio y la gracia que cierran la brecha del pecado.

This single volume of chronological Bible lessons for evangelism, begins in Genesis and culminates with Christ’s Ascension.

 Authors: Trevor McIlwain and Nancy Everson 

The gospel and grace are simple concepts. Communicating them clearly is not. People around the world have used an effective solution: teaching chronologically through the Bible.

 Firm Foundations: Creation to Christ unfolds the story of God. Moving through key Bible passages, these lessons progressively reveal truth about God and man, and the gospel and grace that bridge the gap of sin.

 The Spanish version of Firm Foundations: Creation to Christ includes:

  • One volume teacher’s guide
  • One set of Maps and Timeline Chart (in Spanish)
This curriculum has proven invaluable in teaching settings. This version of Firm Foundations is best used for the following:
  • Age 12 through adult
  • Ideal for the novice or experienced teacher
  • Ready-to-use, well laid out lesson plans


  •  Spanish Version
  • 50 lessons
  • 562-page paperback
  • Chronological Bible Story Pictures recommended, sold separately

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